The Weekly Investment

Dividend Investing

January 7, 2018 Net Worth Update

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Hello Everyone!

This is my January 7, 2018 Net Worth update!  My net worth rose $112,716.39 total for the year 2017.  My portfolio rose $53,364.50.  I contributed $14,420.00 to my portfolio and earned $9050.24 in dividends and capital gains.

Pot stocks recently attracted my attention so I ended up purchasing eight stocks which can be found in my Roth.  I believe in the benefits of cannabis oil as a medicine and since Canada should legalize in July I figured it would be a good purchase.  So far I have earned $2000.00 but the market appears to be quite volatile.  I am considering selling and using the gains as a small stash to use to dabble in daily trading. 🙂  Pot stocks are the only non dividend producing stocks that I have ever purchased.  However I appreciate the slow and steady course of dividend investing and will therefore continue to mainly invest the dividend way most of the time.

In the month of December I also found myself purchasing several reit type stocks that can be found in my Roth.  I was feverishly looking for good dividend payers and when I happened upon a discussion forum on Fidelity’s website that discussed high dividend yielders I could not resist.  I jotted down several names from the thread and ended up purchasing them.  The stocks are ARI, ARES, CIM, HTGC, NLY, NRZ, and TCAP.  Once I realized I would not be quitting my job I pulled the money from my emergency savings and plopped it into my Roth.  So far, as of this writing, I have maxed out my Roth for 2017 and 2018, filling it up with reit type stocks and pot stocks 🙂

My goal for 2018 is to save as much money as possible.  I cannot take the flu shot again so I will have to quit if, once again, I cannot find a doctor to write an exemption letter.  I really just want to quit, so if I were to get out of taking the flu shot it may not make a difference.  I may still quit.  The daily grind is taking its toll. My physical state is suffering and I need relief from the daily grind.  The question I wonder about is would quitting place me into a worse state?  I do believe that if I kept working until the age of 49 I could have 1 million dollars saved if the bull market continues…  But does it really matter?  Health is true wealth and my physical state is suffering which is affecting my imagination and creativity.  Imagination is everything to me, having the freedom and strength to imagine….




In the foreseeable future I would eventually like to buy a camper van to travel and live in part time!  We shall see but this is something I would really like to do… I need to see California, Yosemite, the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument…Nova Scotia, Michigan……..Superstition mts….  Stay tuned!




Author: weeklyinvestment

Hi I am 44 years old and started dividend investing in 2015 at the age of 41. This blog provides an example of portfolio changes and dividend growth and compounding. It is very exciting to witness the changes on a weekly basis. My goal is to partially retire within the next three to five years by living frugally and building up my portfolio into a mini pension to supplement and support my frugal lifestyle. I am interested in vegan food, biking, music, exercise, nature, photography, gardening, writing, travel, and investing. I daily wish to be able to have more time to do these things yet I am sadly torn away as I head off to work each day...

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